

  • 概述
  • 测试环境
  • 安装过程
  • 配置启动
  • 客户端介绍
  • 多级DC的ldif文件的配置





  • http://www.userbooster.de/download/openldap-for-windows.aspx(本文所用的版本
  • http://sourceforge.net/projects/openldapwindows/files/
  • http://sourceforge.jp/projects/openldapwin32/releases/



按照提示 一直 next ,直到安装完成:

安装完成后,在系统服务中,找到 OpenLDAP Service,先停止服务,再把启动类型修改成手动,便于自己的测试。


安装目录:D:\Program Files (x86)\OpenLDAP

编辑文件:D:\Program Files (x86)\OpenLDAP\slapd.conf 找到如下内容:




日志信息:slapd starting 表示服务已经启动好了。

新建一个文件:D:\Program Files (x86)\OpenLDAP\mydemo.ldif ,内容如下:




  • -x 使用简单验证方式
  • -D 指定管理员DN(与slapd.conf中配置的一致)
  • -W 大写W表示回车后根据提示输入密码,可以使用小写的-w password 直接输入密码
  • -f 需要导入数据LDIF的文件名
  • -h 目录服务器的IP地址


!!!有网友说:按照我上面的命令,提示:’ldapadd’ 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件。经过我的验证发现,该windows版本的openLDAP确实没有这个命令,我能执行成功是因为本机安装过oracle,而Oracle自带安装了LDAP client的一些常用命令。

如果没有”ldapadd“这个命令,还可以用它自带的命令“slapadd”代替导入数据文件。不过要注意的是:和ldapadd命令不同的是:执行slapadd命令前需要先停止之前启动的 slapd 服务(打开服务确定停止了该服务),然后在控制台中切换到openLDAP安装目录下执行命令:


ldapadd 和 slapadd 的差异:

  • ldapadd 对本地和远程服务都可以操作,操作时LDAP服务是不能停止
  • slapadd 只能对本地的LDAP服务进行操作,操作时本地LDAP服务必须先停止

验证添加的信息,在控制台中,切换到%OpenLDAP_HOME%/ClientTools 输入查询命令:




网上搜索到一个客户端:LdapBrowser282  附件提供相关下载:LdapBrowser282.zip

下载解压后直接双击:lbe.bat 文件即可运行。

点击上图中的 Fetch DNs 按钮会自动获取相关的DN信息的。




在实际应用中我们经常会碰到二级域名,类似:app1.micmiu.com、app2.micmiu.com,那么对应到LDAP中的DC就是多级,这时我们ldif文件又是如何配置呢?下面将给出个示例演示,新建一个文件:D:\Program Files (x86)\OpenLDAP\myappuser.ldif ,内容如下:




如果 ldapadd 命令无法运行,先停止slapd 服务,然后在控制台中切换到openLDAP安装目录下执行命令:



原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自micmiu – 软件开发+生活点滴[ http://www.micmiu.com/ ]

本文链接地址: http://www.micmiu.com/enterprise-app/sso/openldap-windows-config/


113 条评论。

  1. 为什么slapadd之后提示5de9e30a D:\OpenLDAP\\slapd.conf: line 39: warning, destination attributeType ‘samaccountname’ is not defined in schema
    5de9e30a PROXIED attributeDescription “SAMACCOUNTNAME” inserted

  2. 楼主,你好,我添加条目的时候提示:类型或值已经存在。。。。

  3. 😛 😛 成功了,
    slapd.exe -d 1 -f ./slapd.conf
    加上 -f 和你的配置文件路径。
    如果使用slapadd -v -l ./myappuser.ldif命令,严格按照楼主所说:openLDAP service停止启动即可

  4. C:\OpenLDAP>slapadd -v -l ./mydemo.ldif
    59561e85 bdb_db_open: warning – no DB_CONFIG file found in directory ./data: (2)
    Expect poor performance for suffix “dc=micmiu,dc=com”.
    59561e85 bdb_monitor_db_open: monitoring disabled; configure monitor database to
    59561e85 str2entry: entry -1 has multiple DNs “dc=micmiu,dc=com” and “ou=Develop
    slapadd: could not parse entry (line=1)
    _#################### 100.00% eta none elapsed none fast!
    Closing DB…

  5. C:\OpenLDAP>slapadd -v -l ./mydemo.ldif
    59561e85 bdb_db_open: warning – no DB_CONFIG file found in directory ./data: (2)
    Expect poor performance for suffix “dc=micmiu,dc=com”.
    59561e85 bdb_monitor_db_open: monitoring disabled; configure monitor database to
    59561e85 str2entry: entry -1 has multiple DNs “dc=micmiu,dc=com” and “ou=Develop
    slapadd: could not parse entry (line=1)
    _#################### 100.00% eta none elapsed none fast!
    Closing DB…

  6. 在windows上执行mydemo.ldif文件用的那个命令,最后的结果应该是失败的。ldap中并没有添加进去这些数据。用导入的方法只能正确添加到ou。到uid的时候就怎么也添加不进去了。

  7. slapadd -v -l ./*ldif,最后提示slapadd: database doesn’t support necessary operations.


  8. 请问楼主,如何实现ppolicy,只用在slapd.conf 里面加这个就好了吗 include ./schema/ppolicy.schema 多谢

  9. 楼主您好,有木有改和删的实例呢,网上的都是Linux,不适用于Windows

  10. 感谢楼主分享
    我在server2008x64上面安装openldap-2.4.38,发现安装界面已经不同了,没有了“Additional Settings”页面
    在未改动slapd.conf的条件下执行“slapd -d 1”启动openLDAP也会出现如下错误信息:
    ldap_init: trying .\ldap.conf
    ldap_init: HOME env is NULL
    ldap_init: trying ldaprc
    ldap_init: LDAPCONF env is ..\etc\openldap\ldap.conf
    ldap_init: trying ..\etc\openldap\ldap.conf
    ldap_init: using ..\etc\openldap\ldap.conf
    ldap_init: LDAPRC env is ..\bin\ldaprc
    ldap_init: HOME env is NULL
    ldap_init: trying ..\bin\ldaprc
    ldap_init: using ..\bin\ldaprc
    563ab66f @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.38 (Dec 3 2013 01:42:10) $
    563ab66f daemon_init: ldap://localhost/ ldaps://localhost/
    563ab66f daemon_init: listen on ldap://localhost/
    563ab66f daemon_init: listen on ldaps://localhost/
    563ab66f daemon_init: 2 listeners to open…
    563ab66f daemon: bind(2) failed errno=10013 (WSAEACCES)
    563ab66f daemon: bind(3) failed errno=10013 (WSAEACCES)
    563ab66f slap_open_listener: failed on ldap://localhost/
    563ab66f slapd stopped.
    563ab66f connections_destroy: nothing to destroy.


  11. expect poor performance for suffix “dc=maxcrc,dc=com”.
    55ba5677 bdb_db_open: monitoring disabled; configure monitor database to enable
    55ba5677 str2entry: entry -1 has mulitiple DNs “dc=maxcrc,dc=com” and “ou=developer,dc=maxcrc,dc=com”
    slapadd: could not parse entry (line=1)

  12. slapadd -v -l ./*ldif,最后提示slapadd: could not parse entry (line=1)

  13. D:\OpenLDAP>ldapsearch -x -b “dc=micmiu,dc=com” “(objectclass=*)”
    Context Initialization Error

    unable to locate message file: ldap.msb


  14. C:\OpenLDAP> ./slapd.exe -d 1 -f ./slapd.conf
    ldap_init: trying %SYSCONFDIR%\ldap.conf
    ldap_init: HOME env is NULL
    ldap_init: trying ldaprc
    ldap_init: LDAPCONF env is NULL
    ldap_init: LDAPRC env is NULL
    515a46fe OpenLDAP 2.4.39 Standalone LDAP Server (slapd)515a46fe daemon_init: listen on ldap:///
    515a46fe daemon_init: 1 listeners to open…
    5458bda5 daemon: bind(2) failed error=10012 (WSAEACCES)
    5458bda5 daemon: bind(3) failed error=10012 (WSAEACCES)
    5458bda5 slap_open_listener: failed on ldap:///
    5458bda5 slapd stopped.
    5458bda5 connections_destroy: nothing to destroy.

    C:\OpenLDAP> ./slapdtest.exe -f ./slapd.conf
    5458c1b8 bdb_db_open:database “dc=test,dc=com”:db_open(./data/id2entry.bdb) failed: No such file or directory (2)
    5458c1b8 backend_startup_one (type=bdb, suffix=”dc=test,dc=com”): bi_db_open failed!(2)
    slap_startup_one failed !
    这个错误是什么情况,跟上面报错都不一样,端口号3899没有冲突,环境是windows server 2008

  15. 楼主 你好,为什么配置完,解压282客户端,点击lbe批处理文件时候,只有一个命令行窗口一闪,然后什么也没打开呢?

  16. 楼主你好,为什么用LdapBrowser282时候,点击lbe启动客户端时候,一直是命令行窗口一闪,然后什么也没打开呢?

  17. 碰上了以下的問題

    C:\OpenLDAP>slapadd -v -l ./test.ldif
    5344b503 bdb_db_open: warning – no DB_CONFIG file found in directory ./data: (2)
    Expect poor performance for suffix “dc=galaxy,dc=com”.
    5344b504 bdb_monitor_db_open: monitoring disabled; configure monitor database to
    _#################### 100.00% eta none elapsed none fast!
    Closing DB…


  18. 楼主,你好,我用ldapsearch -x -b “dc=micmiu,dc=com” “(objectclass=*)”

    # extended LDIF
    # LDAPv3
    # base with scope subtree
    # filter: (objectclass=*)
    # requesting: ALL

    # search result
    search: 2
    result: 32 No such object

    # numResponses: 1

  19. 写的不错,网上找了好多资料都是瞎copy的,不负责任.根本就不对的东西就网上贴,楼主费心了。

    • 当初写blog就是因为遇到一样的情况,网上搜索很多结果都是互相copy,很多问题,后来就自己把完整的过程记录下来,方便日后查阅

  20. 根据教程成功配置了LDAP,感谢博主!

  21. 51d3dac3 config_build_entry: build “cn=config” failed: “”
    51d3dac3 backend_startup_one (type=config, suffix=”cn=config”): bi_db_open failed! (-1)

  22. 51cbea35 OpenLDAP 2.4.34 Standalone LDAP Server (slapd)51cbea35 daemon_init: listen on ldap:///
    51cbea35 daemon_init: 1 listeners to open…
    51cbea35 daemon: listener initialized ldap:///
    51cbea35 daemon_init: 1 listeners opened
    51cbea35 slapd init: initiated server.
    51cbea35 slap_sasl_init: initialized!
    51cbea35 bdb_back_initialize: initialize BDB backend
    51cbea35 bdb_back_initialize: Berkeley DB 5.3.21: (May 11, 2012)
    51cbea35 ==>sql_back_initialize()
    51cbea35 translucent_initialize
    51cbea35 bdb_db_init: Initializing BDB database
    51cbea35 >>> dnPrettyNormal:
    51cbea35 <<< dnPrettyNormal: ,
    51cbea35 >>> dnPrettyNormal:
    51cbea35 <<< dnPrettyNormal: ,
    51cbea35 >>> dnNormalize:
    51cbea35 <<< dnNormalize:
    51cbea35 matching_rule_use_init
    51cbea35 1.2.840.113556.1.4.804 (integerBitOrMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.804 NAME ‘integerBitOrMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedLDAPVersion $ entryTtl $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ olcConcurrency $ olcConnMaxPending $ olcConnMaxPendingAuth $ olcIdleTimeout $ olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen $ olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyStep $ olcIndexIntLen $ olcListenerThreads $ olcLocalSSF $ olcMaxDerefDepth $ olcReplicationInterval $ olcSockbufMaxIncoming $ olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth $ olcThreads $ olcToolThreads $ olcWriteTimeout $ olcDbCacheFree $ olcDbCacheSize $ olcDbDNcacheSize $ olcDbIDLcacheSize $ olcDbSearchStack $ olcDbShmKey $ olcDbProtocolVersion $ olcDbConnectionPoolMax $ olcChainMaxReferralDepth $ olcDbMaxReaders $ olcDbMaxSize $ olcSpSessionlog $ olcSssVlvMax $ olcSssVlvMaxKeys $ olcSssVlvMaxPerConn $ olcPcacheMaxQueries $ olcRetcodeSleep $ olcDDSmaxDynamicObjects $ mailPreferenceOption $ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin $ shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $ shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $ ipServicePort $ ipProtocolNumber $ oncRpcNumber ) )
    51cbea35 1.2.840.113556.1.4.803 (integerBitAndMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.803 NAME ‘integerBitAndMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedLDAPVersion $ entryTtl $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ olcConcurrency $ olcConnMaxPending $ olcConnMaxPendingAuth $ olcIdleTimeout $ olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen $ olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyStep $ olcIndexIntLen $ olcListenerThreads $ olcLocalSSF $ olcMaxDerefDepth $ olcReplicationInterval $ olcSockbufMaxIncoming $ olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth $ olcThreads $ olcToolThreads $ olcWriteTimeout $ olcDbCacheFree $ olcDbCacheSize $ olcDbDNcacheSize $ olcDbIDLcacheSize $ olcDbSearchStack $ olcDbShmKey $ olcDbProtocolVersion $ olcDbConnectionPoolMax $ olcChainMaxReferralDepth $ olcDbMaxReaders $ olcDbMaxSize $ olcSpSessionlog $ olcSssVlvMax $ olcSssVlvMaxKeys $ olcSssVlvMaxPerConn $ olcPcacheMaxQueries $ olcRetcodeSleep $ olcDDSmaxDynamicObjects $ mailPreferenceOption $ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin $ shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $ shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $ ipServicePort $ ipProtocolNumber $ oncRpcNumber ) )
    51cbea35 (caseIgnoreIA5Match): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘caseIgnoreIA5Match’ APPLIES ( altServer $ olcDbConfig $ c $ mail $ dc $ associatedDomain $ email $ aRecord $ mDRecord $ mXRecord $ nSRecord $ sOARecord $ cNAMERecord $ janetMailbox $ gecos $ homeDirectory $ loginShell $ memberUid $ memberNisNetgroup $ ipHostNumber $ ipNetworkNumber $ ipNetmaskNumber $ macAddress $ bootFile $ nisMapEntry ) )
    51cbea35 (caseExactIA5Match): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘caseExactIA5Match’ APPLIES ( altServer $ olcDbConfig $ c $ mail $ dc $ associatedDomain $ email $ aRecord $ mDRecord $ mXRecord $ nSRecord $ sOARecord $ cNAMERecord $ janetMailbox $ gecos $ homeDirectory $ loginShell $ memberUid $ memberNisNetgroup $ ipHostNumber $ ipNetworkNumber $ ipNetmaskNumber $ macAddress $ bootFile $ nisMapEntry ) )
    51cbea35 (certificateListMatch): 51cbea35 (certificateListExactMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘certificateListExactMatch’ APPLIES ( authorityRevocationList $ certificateRevocationList $ deltaRevocationList ) )
    51cbea35 (certificateMatch): 51cbea35 (certificateExactMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘certificateExactMatch’ APPLIES ( userCertificate $ cACertificate ) )
    51cbea35 (objectIdentifierFirstComponentMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘objectIdentifierFirstComponentMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedControl $ supportedExtension $ supportedFeatures $ ldapSyntaxes $ supportedApplicationContext ) )
    51cbea35 (integerFirstComponentMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘integerFirstComponentMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedLDAPVersion $ entryTtl $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ olcConcurrency $ olcConnMaxPending $ olcConnMaxPendingAuth $ olcIdleTimeout $ olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen $ olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyStep $ olcIndexIntLen $ olcListenerThreads $ olcLocalSSF $ olcMaxDerefDepth $ olcReplicationInterval $ olcSockbufMaxIncoming $ olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth $ olcThreads $ olcToolThreads $ olcWriteTimeout $ olcDbCacheFree $ olcDbCacheSize $ olcDbDNcacheSize $ olcDbIDLcacheSize $ olcDbSearchStack $ olcDbShmKey $ olcDbProtocolVersion $ olcDbConnectionPoolMax $ olcChainMaxReferralDepth $ olcDbMaxReaders $ olcDbMaxSize $ olcSpSessionlog $ olcSssVlvMax $ olcSssVlvMaxKeys $ olcSssVlvMaxPerConn $ olcPcacheMaxQueries $ olcRetcodeSleep $ olcDDSmaxDynamicObjects $ mailPreferenceOption $ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin $ shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $ shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $ ipServicePort $ ipProtocolNumber $ oncRpcNumber ) )
    51cbea35 (generalizedTimeOrderingMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘generalizedTimeOrderingMatch’ APPLIES ( createTimestamp $ modifyTimestamp $ pwdChangedTime $ pwdAccountLockedTime $ pwdFailureTime $ pwdGraceUseTime ) )
    51cbea35 (generalizedTimeMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘generalizedTimeMatch’ APPLIES ( createTimestamp $ modifyTimestamp $ pwdChangedTime $ pwdAccountLockedTime $ pwdFailureTime $ pwdGraceUseTime ) )
    51cbea35 (protocolInformationMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘protocolInformationMatch’ APPLIES protocolInformation )
    51cbea35 (uniqueMemberMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘uniqueMemberMatch’ APPLIES uniqueMember )
    51cbea35 (presentationAddressMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘presentationAddressMatch’ APPLIES presentationAddress )
    51cbea35 (telephoneNumberMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘telephoneNumberMatch’ APPLIES ( telephoneNumber $ homePhone $ mobile $ pager ) )
    51cbea35 (octetStringOrderingMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘octetStringOrderingMatch’ APPLIES ( userPassword $ olcDbCryptKey $ pwdHistory ) )
    51cbea35 (octetStringMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘octetStringMatch’ APPLIES ( userPassword $ olcDbCryptKey $ pwdHistory ) )
    51cbea35 (bitStringMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘bitStringMatch’ APPLIES x500UniqueIdentifier )
    51cbea35 (integerOrderingMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘integerOrderingMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedLDAPVersion $ entryTtl $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ olcConcurrency $ olcConnMaxPending $ olcConnMaxPendingAuth $ olcIdleTimeout $ olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen $ olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyStep $ olcIndexIntLen $ olcListenerThreads $ olcLocalSSF $ olcMaxDerefDepth $ olcReplicationInterval $ olcSockbufMaxIncoming $ olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth $ olcThreads $ olcToolThreads $ olcWriteTimeout $ olcDbCacheFree $ olcDbCacheSize $ olcDbDNcacheSize $ olcDbIDLcacheSize $ olcDbSearchStack $ olcDbShmKey $ olcDbProtocolVersion $ olcDbConnectionPoolMax $ olcChainMaxReferralDepth $ olcDbMaxReaders $ olcDbMaxSize $ olcSpSessionlog $ olcSssVlvMax $ olcSssVlvMaxKeys $ olcSssVlvMaxPerConn $ olcPcacheMaxQueries $ olcRetcodeSleep $ olcDDSmaxDynamicObjects $ mailPreferenceOption $ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin $ shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $ shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $ ipServicePort $ ipProtocolNumber $ oncRpcNumber ) )
    51cbea35 (integerMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘integerMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedLDAPVersion $ entryTtl $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ olcConcurrency $ olcConnMaxPending $ olcConnMaxPendingAuth $ olcIdleTimeout $ olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen $ olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyLen $ olcIndexSubstrAnyStep $ olcIndexIntLen $ olcListenerThreads $ olcLocalSSF $ olcMaxDerefDepth $ olcReplicationInterval $ olcSockbufMaxIncoming $ olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth $ olcThreads $ olcToolThreads $ olcWriteTimeout $ olcDbCacheFree $ olcDbCacheSize $ olcDbDNcacheSize $ olcDbIDLcacheSize $ olcDbSearchStack $ olcDbShmKey $ olcDbProtocolVersion $ olcDbConnectionPoolMax $ olcChainMaxReferralDepth $ olcDbMaxReaders $ olcDbMaxSize $ olcSpSessionlog $ olcSssVlvMax $ olcSssVlvMaxKeys $ olcSssVlvMaxPerConn $ olcPcacheMaxQueries $ olcRetcodeSleep $ olcDDSmaxDynamicObjects $ mailPreferenceOption $ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin $ shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $ shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $ ipServicePort $ ipProtocolNumber $ oncRpcNumber ) )
    51cbea35 (booleanMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘booleanMatch’ APPLIES ( hasSubordinates $ olcAddContentAcl $ olcGentleHUP $ olcHidden $ olcLastMod $ olcMirrorMode $ olcMonitoring $ olcReadOnly $ olcReverseLookup $ olcSyncUseSubentry $ olcDbChecksum $ olcDbNoSync $ olcDbDirtyRead $ olcDbLinearIndex $ olcDbRebindAsUser $ olcDbChaseReferrals $ olcDbProxyWhoAmI $ olcDbSingleConn $ olcDbUseTemporaryConn $ olcDbSessionTrackingRequest $ olcDbNoRefs $ olcDbNoUndefFilter $ olcChainCacheURI $ olcChainReturnError $ olcDbPseudoRootBindDefer $ olcSpNoPresent $ olcSpReloadHint $ olcRwmNormalizeMapped $ olcRwmDropUnrequested $ olcPcachePersist $ olcPcacheValidate $ olcPcacheOffline $ olcRetcodeInDir $ olcTranslucentStrict $ olcTranslucentNoGlue $ olcTranslucentBindLocal $ olcTranslucentPwModLocal $ olcMemberOfRefInt $ olcDDSstate $ olcAccessLogSuccess $ pwdReset $ olcPPolicyHashCleartext $ olcPPolicyForwardUpdates $ olcPPolicyUseLockout $ olcUniqueStrict ) )
    51cbea35 (caseIgnoreListMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘caseIgnoreListMatch’ APPLIES ( postalAddress $ registeredAddress $ homePostalAddress ) )
    51cbea35 (numericStringOrderingMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘numericStringOrderingMatch’ APPLIES ( x121Address $ internationaliSDNNumber ) )
    51cbea35 (numericStringMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘numericStringMatch’ APPLIES ( x121Address $ internationaliSDNNumber ) )
    51cbea35 (caseExactSubstringsMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘caseExactSubstringsMatch’ APPLIES ( serialNumber $ destinationIndicator $ dnQualifier ) )
    51cbea35 (caseExactOrderingMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘caseExactOrderingMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedSASLMechanisms $ vendorName $ vendorVersion $ ref $ name $ cn $ uid $ labeledURI $ description $ olcConfigFile $ olcConfigDir $ olcAccess $ olcAllows $ olcArgsFile $ olcAttributeOptions $ olcAttributeTypes $ olcAuthIDRewrite $ olcAuthzPolicy $ olcAuthzRegexp $ olcBackend $ olcDatabase $ olcDisallows $ olcDitContentRules $ olcExtraAttrs $ olcInclude $ olcLdapSyntaxes $ olcLimits $ olcLogFile $ olcLogLevel $ olcModuleLoad $ olcModulePath $ olcObjectClasses $ olcObjectIdentifier $ olcOverlay $ olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat $ olcPasswordHash $ olcPidFile $ olcPlugin $ olcPluginLogFile $ olcReferral $ olcReplica $ olcReplicaArgsFile $ olcReplicaPidFile $ olcReplogFile $ olcRequires $ olcRestrict $ olcRootDSE $ olcRootPW $ olcSaslAuxprops $ olcSaslHost $ olcSaslRealm $ olcSaslSecProps $ olcSecurity $ olcServerID $ olcSizeLimit $ olcSortVals $ olcSubordinate $ olcSyncrepl $ olcTCPBuffer $ olcTimeLimit $ olcTLSCACertificateFile $ olcTLSCACertificatePath $ olcTLSCertificateFile $ olcTLSCertificateKeyFile $ olcTLSCipherSuite $ olcTLSCRLCheck $ olcTLSCRLFile $ olcTLSRandFile $ olcTLSVerifyClient $ olcTLSDHParamFile $ olcTLSProtocolMin $ olcUpdateRef $ olcDbDirectory $ olcDbCheckpoint $ olcDbCryptFile $ olcDbPageSize $ olcDbIndex $ olcDbLockDetect $ olcDbMode $ olcDbURI $ olcDbStartTLS $ olcDbACLPasswd $ olcDbACLBind $ olcDbIDAssertPasswd $ olcDbIDAssertBind $ olcDbIDAssertMode $ olcDbIDAssertAuthzFrom $ olcDbTFSupport $ olcDbTimeout $ olcDbIdleTimeout $ olcDbConnTtl $ olcDbNetworkTimeout $ olcDbCancel $ olcDbQuarantine $ olcDbOnErr $ olcDbIDAssertPassThru $ olcDbKeepalive $ olcChainingBehavior $ olcDbRewrite $ olcDbMap $ olcDbSubtreeExclude $ olcDbSubtreeInclude $ olcDbDefaultTarget $ olcDbDnCacheTtl $ olcDbBindTimeout $ olcDbNretries $ olcDbClientPr $ olcMetaSub $ olcDbEnvFlags $ olcSpCheckpoint $ olcRwmRewrite $ olcRwmTFSupport $ olcRwmMap $ olcPcache $ olcPcacheAttrset $ olcPcacheTemplate $ olcPcachePosition $ olcPcacheBind $ olcRetcodeItem $ olcTranslucentLocal $ olcTranslucentRemote $ olcMemberOfDangling $ olcMemberOfGroupOC $ olcMemberOfMemberAD $ olcMemberOfMemberOfAD $ olcMemberOfDanglingError $ olcDlAttrSet $ olcConstraintAttribute $ olcDDSmaxTtl $ olcDDSminTtl $ olcDDSdefaultTtl $ olcDDSinterval $ olcDDStolerance $ olcAccessLogOps $ olcAccessLogPurge $ olcAccessLogOld $ olcAccessLogOldAttr $ olcAccessLogBase $ olcAuditlogFile $ olcRefintAttribute $ olcUniqueIgnore $ olcUniqueAttribute $ olcUniqueURI $ olcValSortAttr $ knowledgeInformation $ sn $ serialNumber $ c $ l $ st $ street $ o $ ou $ title $ businessCategory $ postalCode $ postOfficeBox $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ destinationIndicator $ givenName $ initials $ generationQualifier $ dnQualifier $ houseIdentifier $ dmdName $ pseudonym $ textEncodedORAddress $ info $ drink $ roomNumber $ userClass $ host $ documentIdentifier $ documentTitle $ documentVersion $ documentLocation $ personalTitle $ co $ uniqueIdentifier $ organizationalStatus $ buildingName $ documentPublisher $ ipServiceProtocol $ nisMapName $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $ displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ preferredLanguage ) )
    51cbea35 (caseExactMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘caseExactMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedSASLMechanisms $ vendorName $ vendorVersion $ ref $ name $ cn $ uid $ labeledURI $ description $ olcConfigFile $ olcConfigDir $ olcAccess $ olcAllows $ olcArgsFile $ olcAttributeOptions $ olcAttributeTypes $ olcAuthIDRewrite $ olcAuthzPolicy $ olcAuthzRegexp $ olcBackend $ olcDatabase $ olcDisallows $ olcDitContentRules $ olcExtraAttrs $ olcInclude $ olcLdapSyntaxes $ olcLimits $ olcLogFile $ olcLogLevel $ olcModuleLoad $ olcModulePath $ olcObjectClasses $ olcObjectIdentifier $ olcOverlay $ olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat $ olcPasswordHash $ olcPidFile $ olcPlugin $ olcPluginLogFile $ olcReferral $ olcReplica $ olcReplicaArgsFile $ olcReplicaPidFile $ olcReplogFile $ olcRequires $ olcRestrict $ olcRootDSE $ olcRootPW $ olcSaslAuxprops $ olcSaslHost $ olcSaslRealm $ olcSaslSecProps $ olcSecurity $ olcServerID $ olcSizeLimit $ olcSortVals $ olcSubordinate $ olcSyncrepl $ olcTCPBuffer $ olcTimeLimit $ olcTLSCACertificateFile $ olcTLSCACertificatePath $ olcTLSCertificateFile $ olcTLSCertificateKeyFile $ olcTLSCipherSuite $ olcTLSCRLCheck $ olcTLSCRLFile $ olcTLSRandFile $ olcTLSVerifyClient $ olcTLSDHParamFile $ olcTLSProtocolMin $ olcUpdateRef $ olcDbDirectory $ olcDbCheckpoint $ olcDbCryptFile $ olcDbPageSize $ olcDbIndex $ olcDbLockDetect $ olcDbMode $ olcDbURI $ olcDbStartTLS $ olcDbACLPasswd $ olcDbACLBind $ olcDbIDAssertPasswd $ olcDbIDAssertBind $ olcDbIDAssertMode $ olcDbIDAssertAuthzFrom $ olcDbTFSupport $ olcDbTimeout $ olcDbIdleTimeout $ olcDbConnTtl $ olcDbNetworkTimeout $ olcDbCancel $ olcDbQuarantine $ olcDbOnErr $ olcDbIDAssertPassThru $ olcDbKeepalive $ olcChainingBehavior $ olcDbRewrite $ olcDbMap $ olcDbSubtreeExclude $ olcDbSubtreeInclude $ olcDbDefaultTarget $ olcDbDnCacheTtl $ olcDbBindTimeout $ olcDbNretries $ olcDbClientPr $ olcMetaSub $ olcDbEnvFlags $ olcSpCheckpoint $ olcRwmRewrite $ olcRwmTFSupport $ olcRwmMap $ olcPcache $ olcPcacheAttrset $ olcPcacheTemplate $ olcPcachePosition $ olcPcacheBind $ olcRetcodeItem $ olcTranslucentLocal $ olcTranslucentRemote $ olcMemberOfDangling $ olcMemberOfGroupOC $ olcMemberOfMemberAD $ olcMemberOfMemberOfAD $ olcMemberOfDanglingError $ olcDlAttrSet $ olcConstraintAttribute $ olcDDSmaxTtl $ olcDDSminTtl $ olcDDSdefaultTtl $ olcDDSinterval $ olcDDStolerance $ olcAccessLogOps $ olcAccessLogPurge $ olcAccessLogOld $ olcAccessLogOldAttr $ olcAccessLogBase $ olcAuditlogFile $ olcRefintAttribute $ olcUniqueIgnore $ olcUniqueAttribute $ olcUniqueURI $ olcValSortAttr $ knowledgeInformation $ sn $ serialNumber $ c $ l $ st $ street $ o $ ou $ title $ businessCategory $ postalCode $ postOfficeBox $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ destinationIndicator $ givenName $ initials $ generationQualifier $ dnQualifier $ houseIdentifier $ dmdName $ pseudonym $ textEncodedORAddress $ info $ drink $ roomNumber $ userClass $ host $ documentIdentifier $ documentTitle $ documentVersion $ documentLocation $ personalTitle $ co $ uniqueIdentifier $ organizationalStatus $ buildingName $ documentPublisher $ ipServiceProtocol $ nisMapName $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $ displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ preferredLanguage ) )
    51cbea35 (caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch’ APPLIES ( serialNumber $ destinationIndicator $ dnQualifier ) )
    51cbea35 (caseIgnoreOrderingMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘caseIgnoreOrderingMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedSASLMechanisms $ vendorName $ vendorVersion $ ref $ name $ cn $ uid $ labeledURI $ description $ olcConfigFile $ olcConfigDir $ olcAccess $ olcAllows $ olcArgsFile $ olcAttributeOptions $ olcAttributeTypes $ olcAuthIDRewrite $ olcAuthzPolicy $ olcAuthzRegexp $ olcBackend $ olcDatabase $ olcDisallows $ olcDitContentRules $ olcExtraAttrs $ olcInclude $ olcLdapSyntaxes $ olcLimits $ olcLogFile $ olcLogLevel $ olcModuleLoad $ olcModulePath $ olcObjectClasses $ olcObjectIdentifier $ olcOverlay $ olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat $ olcPasswordHash $ olcPidFile $ olcPlugin $ olcPluginLogFile $ olcReferral $ olcReplica $ olcReplicaArgsFile $ olcReplicaPidFile $ olcReplogFile $ olcRequires $ olcRestrict $ olcRootDSE $ olcRootPW $ olcSaslAuxprops $ olcSaslHost $ olcSaslRealm $ olcSaslSecProps $ olcSecurity $ olcServerID $ olcSizeLimit $ olcSortVals $ olcSubordinate $ olcSyncrepl $ olcTCPBuffer $ olcTimeLimit $ olcTLSCACertificateFile $ olcTLSCACertificatePath $ olcTLSCertificateFile $ olcTLSCertificateKeyFile $ olcTLSCipherSuite $ olcTLSCRLCheck $ olcTLSCRLFile $ olcTLSRandFile $ olcTLSVerifyClient $ olcTLSDHParamFile $ olcTLSProtocolMin $ olcUpdateRef $ olcDbDirectory $ olcDbCheckpoint $ olcDbCryptFile $ olcDbPageSize $ olcDbIndex $ olcDbLockDetect $ olcDbMode $ olcDbURI $ olcDbStartTLS $ olcDbACLPasswd $ olcDbACLBind $ olcDbIDAssertPasswd $ olcDbIDAssertBind $ olcDbIDAssertMode $ olcDbIDAssertAuthzFrom $ olcDbTFSupport $ olcDbTimeout $ olcDbIdleTimeout $ olcDbConnTtl $ olcDbNetworkTimeout $ olcDbCancel $ olcDbQuarantine $ olcDbOnErr $ olcDbIDAssertPassThru $ olcDbKeepalive $ olcChainingBehavior $ olcDbRewrite $ olcDbMap $ olcDbSubtreeExclude $ olcDbSubtreeInclude $ olcDbDefaultTarget $ olcDbDnCacheTtl $ olcDbBindTimeout $ olcDbNretries $ olcDbClientPr $ olcMetaSub $ olcDbEnvFlags $ olcSpCheckpoint $ olcRwmRewrite $ olcRwmTFSupport $ olcRwmMap $ olcPcache $ olcPcacheAttrset $ olcPcacheTemplate $ olcPcachePosition $ olcPcacheBind $ olcRetcodeItem $ olcTranslucentLocal $ olcTranslucentRemote $ olcMemberOfDangling $ olcMemberOfGroupOC $ olcMemberOfMemberAD $ olcMemberOfMemberOfAD $ olcMemberOfDanglingError $ olcDlAttrSet $ olcConstraintAttribute $ olcDDSmaxTtl $ olcDDSminTtl $ olcDDSdefaultTtl $ olcDDSinterval $ olcDDStolerance $ olcAccessLogOps $ olcAccessLogPurge $ olcAccessLogOld $ olcAccessLogOldAttr $ olcAccessLogBase $ olcAuditlogFile $ olcRefintAttribute $ olcUniqueIgnore $ olcUniqueAttribute $ olcUniqueURI $ olcValSortAttr $ knowledgeInformation $ sn $ serialNumber $ c $ l $ st $ street $ o $ ou $ title $ businessCategory $ postalCode $ postOfficeBox $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ destinationIndicator $ givenName $ initials $ generationQualifier $ dnQualifier $ houseIdentifier $ dmdName $ pseudonym $ textEncodedORAddress $ info $ drink $ roomNumber $ userClass $ host $ documentIdentifier $ documentTitle $ documentVersion $ documentLocation $ personalTitle $ co $ uniqueIdentifier $ organizationalStatus $ buildingName $ documentPublisher $ ipServiceProtocol $ nisMapName $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $ displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ preferredLanguage ) )
    51cbea35 (caseIgnoreMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘caseIgnoreMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedSASLMechanisms $ vendorName $ vendorVersion $ ref $ name $ cn $ uid $ labeledURI $ description $ olcConfigFile $ olcConfigDir $ olcAccess $ olcAllows $ olcArgsFile $ olcAttributeOptions $ olcAttributeTypes $ olcAuthIDRewrite $ olcAuthzPolicy $ olcAuthzRegexp $ olcBackend $ olcDatabase $ olcDisallows $ olcDitContentRules $ olcExtraAttrs $ olcInclude $ olcLdapSyntaxes $ olcLimits $ olcLogFile $ olcLogLevel $ olcModuleLoad $ olcModulePath $ olcObjectClasses $ olcObjectIdentifier $ olcOverlay $ olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat $ olcPasswordHash $ olcPidFile $ olcPlugin $ olcPluginLogFile $ olcReferral $ olcReplica $ olcReplicaArgsFile $ olcReplicaPidFile $ olcReplogFile $ olcRequires $ olcRestrict $ olcRootDSE $ olcRootPW $ olcSaslAuxprops $ olcSaslHost $ olcSaslRealm $ olcSaslSecProps $ olcSecurity $ olcServerID $ olcSizeLimit $ olcSortVals $ olcSubordinate $ olcSyncrepl $ olcTCPBuffer $ olcTimeLimit $ olcTLSCACertificateFile $ olcTLSCACertificatePath $ olcTLSCertificateFile $ olcTLSCertificateKeyFile $ olcTLSCipherSuite $ olcTLSCRLCheck $ olcTLSCRLFile $ olcTLSRandFile $ olcTLSVerifyClient $ olcTLSDHParamFile $ olcTLSProtocolMin $ olcUpdateRef $ olcDbDirectory $ olcDbCheckpoint $ olcDbCryptFile $ olcDbPageSize $ olcDbIndex $ olcDbLockDetect $ olcDbMode $ olcDbURI $ olcDbStartTLS $ olcDbACLPasswd $ olcDbACLBind $ olcDbIDAssertPasswd $ olcDbIDAssertBind $ olcDbIDAssertMode $ olcDbIDAssertAuthzFrom $ olcDbTFSupport $ olcDbTimeout $ olcDbIdleTimeout $ olcDbConnTtl $ olcDbNetworkTimeout $ olcDbCancel $ olcDbQuarantine $ olcDbOnErr $ olcDbIDAssertPassThru $ olcDbKeepalive $ olcChainingBehavior $ olcDbRewrite $ olcDbMap $ olcDbSubtreeExclude $ olcDbSubtreeInclude $ olcDbDefaultTarget $ olcDbDnCacheTtl $ olcDbBindTimeout $ olcDbNretries $ olcDbClientPr $ olcMetaSub $ olcDbEnvFlags $ olcSpCheckpoint $ olcRwmRewrite $ olcRwmTFSupport $ olcRwmMap $ olcPcache $ olcPcacheAttrset $ olcPcacheTemplate $ olcPcachePosition $ olcPcacheBind $ olcRetcodeItem $ olcTranslucentLocal $ olcTranslucentRemote $ olcMemberOfDangling $ olcMemberOfGroupOC $ olcMemberOfMemberAD $ olcMemberOfMemberOfAD $ olcMemberOfDanglingError $ olcDlAttrSet $ olcConstraintAttribute $ olcDDSmaxTtl $ olcDDSminTtl $ olcDDSdefaultTtl $ olcDDSinterval $ olcDDStolerance $ olcAccessLogOps $ olcAccessLogPurge $ olcAccessLogOld $ olcAccessLogOldAttr $ olcAccessLogBase $ olcAuditlogFile $ olcRefintAttribute $ olcUniqueIgnore $ olcUniqueAttribute $ olcUniqueURI $ olcValSortAttr $ knowledgeInformation $ sn $ serialNumber $ c $ l $ st $ street $ o $ ou $ title $ businessCategory $ postalCode $ postOfficeBox $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ destinationIndicator $ givenName $ initials $ generationQualifier $ dnQualifier $ houseIdentifier $ dmdName $ pseudonym $ textEncodedORAddress $ info $ drink $ roomNumber $ userClass $ host $ documentIdentifier $ documentTitle $ documentVersion $ documentLocation $ personalTitle $ co $ uniqueIdentifier $ organizationalStatus $ buildingName $ documentPublisher $ ipServiceProtocol $ nisMapName $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $ displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ preferredLanguage ) )
    51cbea35 (rdnMatch): 51cbea35 (distinguishedNameMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘distinguishedNameMatch’ APPLIES ( creatorsName $ modifiersName $ subschemaSubentry $ entryDN $ namingContexts $ aliasedObjectName $ dynamicSubtrees $ distinguishedName $ seeAlso $ olcDefaultSearchBase $ olcRootDN $ olcSchemaDN $ olcSuffix $ olcUpdateDN $ olcRelay $ olcDbACLAuthcDn $ olcDbIDAssertAuthcDn $ olcRetcodeParent $ memberOf $ olcMemberOfDN $ olcAccessLogDB $ pwdPolicySubentry $ olcPPolicyDefault $ olcRefintNothing $ olcRefintModifiersName $ olcUniqueBase $ member $ owner $ roleOccupant $ manager $ documentAuthor $ secretary $ associatedName $ dITRedirect ) )
    51cbea35 (objectIdentifierMatch): 51cbea35 matchingRuleUse: ( NAME ‘objectIdentifierMatch’ APPLIES ( supportedControl $ supportedExtension $ supportedFeatures $ supportedApplicationContext ) )
    51cbea35 slapd startup: initiated.
    51cbea35 backend_startup_one: starting “cn=config”
    51cbea35 config_back_db_open
    51cbea35 config_build_entry: “cn=config”
    51cbea35 config_build_attrs: error 21 on olcConfigFile value #0
    51cbea35 config_build_entry: build “cn=config” failed: “”
    51cbea35 backend_startup_one (type=config, suffix=”cn=config”): bi_db_open failed! (-1)
    51cbea35 slapd shutdown: initiated
    51cbea35 ====> bdb_cache_release_all
    51cbea35 slapd destroy: freeing system resources.
    51cbea35 slapd stopped.

    –OpenLDAP是 2.4.34

  23. 请问博主,你这个版本的可以include自定义的schema吗?我在slapd.conf里面将我的schema文件include以后启动openldap看到并没有引入我的schema

  24. 另外,楼主,我想问一下,就是本地启动的项目,如:localhost:8080/testProject这样的访问路径应该如何配置suffix和rootdn?

  25. 楼主好,按照配置说明,我在win2008上面安装的,但是在执行slapd -d 1的时候,提示如下错误,麻烦帮忙看看呗,在网上查了好久也没有找到
    516e6056 slapd startup: initiated.
    516e6056 backend_startup_one: starting “cn=config”
    516e6056 config_back_db_open
    516e6056 config_build_entry: “cn=config”
    516e6056 config_build_attrs: error 21 on olcConfigFile value #0
    516e6056 config_build_entry: build “cn=config” failed: “”
    516e6056 backend_startup_one (type=config, suffix=”cn=config”): bi_db_open failed! (-1)
    516e6056 slapd shutdown: initiated
    516e6056 ====> bdb_cache_release_all
    516e6056 slapd destroy: freeing system resources.
    516e6056 slapd stopped.

    • 估计是你的conf 配置文件有问题

      • conf我只改动了suffix、rootdn、rootpw三个地方,其他都是安装时默认的设置,文件内容如下:
        # BDB Backend configuration file
        # See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
        # This file should NOT be world readable.
        ucdata-path ./ucdata
        include ./schema/core.schema
        include ./schema/cosine.schema
        include ./schema/nis.schema
        include ./schema/inetorgperson.schema
        include ./schema/openldap.schema
        include ./schema/dyngroup.schema

        pidfile ./run/slapd.pid
        argsfile ./run/slapd.args

        # Enable TLS if port is defined for ldaps

        TLSVerifyClient never
        TLSCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:-SSLv2
        TLSCertificateFile ./secure/certs/server.pem
        TLSCertificateKeyFile ./secure/certs/server.pem
        TLSCACertificateFile ./secure/certs/server.pem

        # bdb database definitions

        database bdb
        suffix “dc=micmiu,dc=com”
        rootdn “cn=Manager,dc=micmiu,dc=com”

        # Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
        # be avoid. See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
        # Use of strong authentication encouraged.
        rootpw {MD5}xMpCOKC5I4INzFCab3WEmw==

        # The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND
        # should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools.
        # Mode 700 recommended.
        directory ./data
        searchstack 20
        # Indices to maintain
        index mail pres,eq
        index objectclass pres
        index default eq,sub
        index sn eq,sub,subinitial
        index telephonenumber
        index cn

      • 使用 slapd -d 1 -f demo.conf . 运行,应该就可以了

    • 请问是怎么解决的?我换了个win7,还是同样的错误。需要配置什么环境变量吗?

      • 我从以下网址找到了这样一句话:http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch6/slapd-config.html#convert
        You can configure OLC (cn=config) to an unusable state. We changed the rootdn of cn=config via an LDAP browser from cn=config to cn=admin (an invalid change since all config elements must end with a root of cn=config). The change was however accepted. The connection was immediately broken (correctly) but we could not bind under any value – old or new. We stopped and tried to start slapd which also failed because it refused to load under our newly modified rootdn (cn=admin). The only solution was to edit slapd.d/cn=config/olcDatabase={0}config.ldif and restore the olcRootDn attribute to cn=config. We then loaded slapd, changed the olcRootDn attribute via an LDAP browser to cn=admin,cn=config and everything worked perfectly.

  26. 安装好之后服务起不来。 错误代码1053. windows xp环境。
    网上找了半天没找到答案。 求楼主解释。

  27. 日志信息:slapd starting 表示服务已经启动好了??

  28. 楼主你好:
    关于windowsAD 与openLdap同步怎么做啊?有没有一些资料或链接让我参考一下啊?最近急用

  29. 有没有人和我一样。。。把l 当成 一的。。。。

  30. 大神。。。。我也在学习lDAP 按照你的说的测试到创建mydemo的时候有问题。。。command里面说illegal option什么的。。。是为什么呢??还有就是如何停止slapd啊??我用的windows的没有orcle 所以一直用slapadd这个

  31. 您好,我执行slapadd -v -l ./example.ldif卡哪不动手什么原因?

  32. 如果要備份的話是COPY整個資料夾就可以了嗎?

  33. 加个QQ吧 我的是47517680

  34. 那真有才能让ldapadd好用呢,总不至于安个oracle吧! :mrgreen:

  35. 非常感谢你的文章。请问一下:slapadd -v -l ./mydemo.ldif
    命令是提示Available database(s) do not allow slapadd是什么原因?slapd 服务是关掉的

  36. 楼主非常正确,虽然在弄的过程中走了点弯路,但是最后还是弄好了,谢谢分享。不知道能不能详解一下编译命令-d -v -l等和 sn o cn 等属性是什么意思不胜感谢!!! 😛

  37. 楼主您好!
    当我用命令“slapadd”代替导入数据文件时候 出现slapadd:illegal option–1 这是为什么?

  38. 按此步骤能够顺利的跑起来,我的是win7 32位的,之前在百度没搜到这篇文章,折腾了好久,还是朋友告诉我的,谢谢!

  39. 楼主还有问题,不知道是环境的影响。

    C:\Pargram Files (x86)\OpenLDAP\slapadd -v -l ./mydemo.ldif
    cound not stat config file %SYSCONFDIR%\slapd.conf”: No such file or directroy (2)
    slapadd: bad configuration file

  40. 我的环境和文章里一样,运行到ldapadd时就报错。

  41. 楼主好,按照你的执行下来,试了几次,一直报下面错误: ‘ldapadd’ 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件。为什么?


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